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Byzantine reliquary of John the Baptist -
Trsat reliquary -
Holy Thorn reliquary -
Baby Jesus crib -
St. Osmund's porthole tomb-shrine -
Golden altar of Sant'Ambrogio -
Lyngsjö font -
Translation of relics ivory -
Irish monk with bell and staff -
Bayeux Embroidery -
Synaxarion of Basil II -
Plate-buckle with prophets -
Church of St. Peter, Rome -
Wienhausen Abbey -
Prague Cathedral -
Palace and chapel at Aachen -
Karlsschrein -
Sainte-Chapelle -
Pantokrator Monastery in Constantinople -
Sandal altar-reliquary -
Star Mantle of Henry II -
Lucca's Volto Santo -
Virgin Mary in Siena -
Monastery of Santo Domingo de Silos -
Cross of Justin II