Djenné-Djenno terra-cottas

Type: Sculptures
Date: 1100–1400
Location or Findspot (Modern-Day Country): Mali
Description: These terra-cotta figures from the Niger River Valley were unearthed at various sites in and around Djenné-Djenno, the heart of the Empire of Mali (ca. 1235–1670). They include equestrian figures from a continent to which horses were not native and representations of ceremonial attire, physical adornments, and weaponry, all of which reflect the empire's prosperous economy. In contrast, some figures appear to be diseased or pained, possibly representing one of the downsides of long-distance trans-Saharan trade and contact.
Relevant Textbook Chapter(s): 9

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Smithsonian, National Museum of African Art, equestrian figure Smithsonian, National Museum of African Art, archer figure Metropolitan Museum, seated figure, front Metropolitan Museum, seated figure, back Yale University Art Gallery, female figure with four children, back