Kildalton Cross

Type: Crosses
Date: Second half of the eighth century
Location or Findspot (Modern-Day Country): United Kingdom
Medium: Stone
Dimensions: 2.6 meters tall
Description: The Kildalton Cross is a monolithic freestanding ring cross on the Scottish island of Islay. The back (west face) is almost entirely ornamental, with dome-shaped bosses, snake ornament, and four lions facing towards the central boss. The front (east face) features figural representations. The Virgin and Child with angels appear on the shaft, just below the cross-head. The arms feature Old Testament scenes, including Cain killing Abel and Abraham sacrificing Isaac.
Relevant Textbook Chapter(s): 4
Image Credits: Adam S. Cohen

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Kildalton Cross, east face Kildalton Cross, east face, top half Kildalton Cross, east face, bottom half Kildalton Cross, east face, Virgin and Child detail Kildalton Cross, west face Kildalton Cross, west face, bottom half Kildalton Cross, info plaque