Asklepeion at Corinth

Date: Fifth to fourth century BCE
Location or Findspot (Modern-Day Country): Greece
Description: The Greek physician Asklepios, the son of Apollo, was a popular healing God in the Greco-Roman world. Asklepeia, healing shrines dedicated to Asklepios, were an important part of his cult and worship. Individuals cured at an Asklepeion regularly left votive offerings as signs of gratitude. The Asklepeion in the city of Corinth was located near a supply of fresh spring water. In the sixth and seventh centuries CE, the site was used for Christian burials and the fountain house was converted into a place of Christian worship. The images here were taken at the archeological site in 1931 and include a photograph taken from the southwest corner, the fountain house, teracotta votive arms, and the marble head from a statue of Asklepios.

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Image Credits: American School of Classical Studies; Zambia Pateraki; Navid Jamali

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Corinth, Asklepeion, teracotta votive arms Corinth, Asklepeion, from southwest corner Corinth, Asklepeion, fountain house Corinth, Asklepeion, marble head of Asklepios Asklepeion plan