Vitruvius, De Architectura -
Hildegard of Bingen, Scivias -
Hildegard of Bingen's Scivias -
The Birds Head Haggadah: Instructions, prayers, and notes -
Sutton Hoo: Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People -
Qal'at Sem'an: Historical accounts -
The Life of Holy Luke of Steiri -
The Second Council of Nicaea on icons -
The Church at Mren: Historical accounts and inscriptions -
The Hermitage of St. Neophytos: Inscriptions and sources -
Typikon of the Pantokrator Monastery, Constantinople -
Vergil, The Aeneid -
Theological works of John VI Kantakouzenos -
Carved elk antler -
Gerald McMaster podcast -
Gravestone of a bubonic-plague victim -
Dune Hoard, Gotland -
Little Metropolis, Athens -
Hen and chicks at Monza -
Pharmaceutical jar -
Mary Rambaran-Olm podcast -
Swedish runestone U 104 -
Vessel with Hebrew inscription -
Enamel plate for an Artuqid emir -
Lindau Gospels covers